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4.11 Messages Page
Misc Messages
- CTCP Userinfo - The text in this string is what will be returned to a user who
sends '/CTCP userinfo' to your client.
- KICK Reason - If you are a channel operator and /kick another user from the
Channel, this test will appear as the reason for the /KICK.
Quit Messages
- Exit - This will appear to users in the channel when you exit AmIRC.
- New Server - This text will appear to users in the channel when you select
'Select Server' in the 'AmIRC' menu, and pick a new server to
connect to.
- System Reset - This is the text to appear if you reboot your amiga (Crtl-
amiga-amiga) while connected to a server.
AWAY Messages
- Default - This is the text that will appear when you are set 'away' by
selecting the 'Marked Away?' item in the 'User Modes' menu.
- AutoAWAY - text that appears when you are automatically set away due to
- Timeout - This sets how much time will pass before AmIRC assumes you are
away from the computer and marks you as 'AWAY'.
- UnAWAY - This cycle gadget allows you to choose the conditions of which
AmIRC will automatically set you to 'Not AWAY'.
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